Memphis Calligraphy Guild APRIL MEETING

Guest Speaker: Barbara Close (internationally known calligrapher and designer from California).
Topic of the meeting: Decorated Page Clips.

Materials:  See below (our guild will bring extra supplies for those that are coming as guests or for those that don’t have all the materials required).

-one sheet 9″ x 12″ watercolor paper (this will give room to make several if you want): We need to be able to fold.Canson Mix-Media paper (80-90#) for example
-metal ruler
-watercolor paints & brush (any size)
-3-5 large (2″) paper clips
-scissors or Xacto knife
– cutting mat
-scotch tape and/or Elmer’s Glue

-any other decorating elements: pens, markers, lettering brushes

Memphis Calligraphy Guild JUNE Membership Meeting

Memphis Calligraphy Guild JUNE Membership Meeting

June 7, 2021 @ 6:30PM via Zoom

PROGRAM: “Looking for a Great Idea” with Memphis designer and calligrapher Leigh Ann Dye.

Looking for a great idea? MCG member Leigh Ann Dye has a presentation that will show you methods for stretching your creativity. She has worked as a designer for over 40 years. She will share her tips and tricks for developing an idea. Whether you are creating an envelope for an exchange or want to make a work of art, Leigh Ann will show you how to go beyond that first thought, find color palettes and spotlight your best assets.

We love letters.